The Entrepreneurial Ascent is dedicated to providing high quality informational accounting and financial content to entrepreneurship and business students. On this site you can find videos on subject matters ranging from accounting foundations, to tax logic and proceedings, to budgeting. You can also find peruse and engage in problem sets which we created specifically to help you garner a complete and useful understanding of all topics.
Under the resources tab you can find an intuitive financial calculator. Downloadable resources are also available if you want content saved on your personal device rather than relying on the internet. And material from other sites that we pulled information from to build this site.
The Driving Force
Foundational knowledge of accounting and finance for someone looking to start a business, work in the business world, or just have a better grasp on which companies to invest in is imperative. While there are a lot of sites out there that provide learning resources for people looking to learn more about accounting and finance, a lot of the sites are not free and annoying to navigate with onslaughts of advertisements. Everything on this site has been well planned out, and created with the highest educational value in mind.
Anyone can use this site to learn more whether you are just starting to get into accounting, want to learn more, or already have some prior knowledge. Not only are the foundations explored but also softwares and techniques that can make it easier to grasp and visualize data.